Clear + Brilliant
A noninvasive laser to help keep your skin looking it's youthful best!
Before & After Photos




Photos have not been retouched. Individual results may vary.
Photos Courtesy of clearandbrilliant.com

How Does Clear + Brilliant® Work
Clear + Brilliant®works by creating hundreds of thousands of microscopic treatment zones in the upper layers of the skin, which replaces damaged skin with healthy looking tissue and yields younger-looking skin.

How many Clear + Brilliant® treatments are needed
The number of treatments is tailored to your concerns and skincare desires. In recent studies, consumers reported visible improvements after 4-6 treatments, though many patients choose to have routine treatments as part of their overall skincare regimen. Your skincare provider will discuss a personalized treatment regimen with you.

When do Clear + Brilliant® results appear & how long do the results last
Within a week or two after one treatment, your skin will star to feel softer and look brighter. Results can last for months depending on age, skin condition, and how you protect your skin.

Can I get Clear + Brilliant®treatments if I've have other procedures done?
Clear + Brilliant®treatments may be complementary to many cosmetic procedures, like fillers, Thermage treatments, or even Botox.** Talk to your doctor to learn more about combining Clear + Brilliant® treatments with other procedures.
Clear + Brilliant® is based on advanced technology, but getting Clear + Brilliant® treatments is simple.
A Typical Clear + Brilliant® Treatment:
Begins with a consultation to see if Clear + Brilliant® is right for you
Requires about 30 minutes for a complete session.
May involve application of topical numbing cream to your face prior to treatment in order to provide additional comfort.
Our skin care professional will gently guide the Clear + Brilliant® handpiece across the target area and actively treat your skin for approximately 15-20 minutes
Utilizes the patented Intelligent Optical Tracking® technology to ensure proper contact with your skin to deliver a uniform application to all treated areas
Clear + Brilliant® Laser Treatment
This safe and effective treatment is sure to leave your skin smooth and blemish free. The Clear and Brilliant Laser Treatment has the ability to reach millions of microscopic sectors in the skin. This will allow the skin to repair from deep within the skin tissues; which will ultimately lead to long lasting results. This treatment will remove dead skin cells trapped within your pores and stimulate growth for healthy radiant skin